Well and Septic Inspection

The purpose of the well inspection is to identify evident defects and even code violations of the well and pump installation that were in effect at the time of installation. There will be observations made to determine proper well separation distances from points of potential contamination based on the code for the year the well was installed and the pump will be operated to determine if it is providing adequate water supply.

The purpose of the POWTS (Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment System) evaluation is to provide a professional opinion of the apparent functional status of the system. Water will be turned on in the home in order to observe the visible portions of the septic tank and drain field in operation. The condition of septic tank covers and risers are observed and observation pipes(if present) are checked and the surface of the drainfield is inspected for any effluent at the surface.

Contact Us to Schedule Your Stand Alone Well and/or Septic Inspection
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